Monday-Friday 8:00 AM- 8:00 PM & Saturday/ Sunday 8:00 AM- 6:00 PM
Self-Serve Laundromat
Here at Smoketown Laundromat, we strive to provide a clean and friendly environment with state-of-the-art equipment for our customers! Our self-serve washers and dryers await you! Come see us!
Drop Off Service
Drop off your laundry and we will do all the work for you! Our attendants will wash, dry and fold your laundry saving you precious time! Special needs? Hangar service? Just inquire! We are here to help!
Commercial Accounts
We will quickly launder your towels, linens, aprons, uniforms, and much more! Contact us to inquire about our commercial laundry service and next-day guarantee!
"This laundromat is such a needed amenity in the neighborhood!"
- Smoketown Resident
Smoketown Laundromat

Available Services
Self-Serve, Drop Off & Commercial Services now available! Visit us at 906 South Hancock Street!

Kids Corner
The Smoketown Laundromat provides a special "Kid's Corner" for our young guests! In partnership with The Library Foundation, we have an array of books for kids of any age!

Computer Lab
Provided by YouthBuild Louisville, two workstations are available for laundromat patrons to use while they wait!